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Counter strike 1.6 no steam trainer

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My brother bought game and when he was playing with unranked and silver ranks they were shooting before they even saw him. Yes! I am sick of this players with less then 5 hours of playing doing HS only and prefiring. The cheater i reported for boosting got banned same day!!!!1 REPORT THEM ALL GET THESE LOSERS OUT OF CS!!!!! VALVE STOP MAKING THE GAME $3 bucks YOU ARE KILLING IT FOR US MAKING GAME CHEAP TO HAX!!!!!

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use your brain to save this game, not your pockets to just profit. Make a filter to play those with accounts over 5 years only or even 10 year vets only. WHAT THE HELL! I love cs, i play everyday but i cant rank up more because its always win 4 and then get BLATENTLY cheated. U have endless ways to be able to stop it and after 10+ years u cant stop it. NO MORE USING 2 ACCOUNTS same IP or something. Valve you make the cheaters cheat for cheap. Make it so people cant buy accounts for $3 bucks. We buy keys and boxes and guns why the hell arent u using all those hundreds of thousands towardds ANTI CHEAT!!! Charge us $1 buck a month and get rid of the cheaters.

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Why the hell are you not more focused on the cheating online. Valve you are making a killing of the ridiculous prices on knifes and skins.

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